Khalil Kwok
Khalil Kwok - kwokhalil
Khalil Kwok - kwokhalil
Hong Kong based artist, and a freelance photographer. Graduated from Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Born in 1996 in Hong Kong.
Facebook | Khalil Kwok
Instagram | kwokhalil
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Selected publications & Interviews:
郭嘉樂 Khalil Kwok|不可抗力 Overwhelmed|HKIPF 2020
Only Live Once - 【PEOPLE OF HONG KONG】23歲的抑鬱攝影師
蘋果日報 Apple Daily - 【顯影】用攝影尋找情緒出口 - 顯影
明周文化 Ming Pao Weekly - 攝影師郭嘉樂:情緒病圖輯轉化抑鬱 接納自己也有不好的時候
HYPEBEAST - My Own Wild Camping Day・HYPEBEAST 製作美式軍服造型特輯
Lomography - Petzval 55 mm f/1.7 MKII First Impressions
Hong Kong Dance Company - Shadows of the City Exhibition
Milk Magazine Hong Kong
2020 Sony World Photography Awards National Award 3rd place
2019 Tokyo Internation Foto Awards Bronze Prize (Editorial-Personality)
2019 Prix de le Photographie Paris Silver Prize (Portraiture / Personality)
2020/4/30 ~ 2020/5/31 - 不可抗力 | Overwhelmed
2018/1/18 ~ 2018/2/8 - Lomography X 香港舞蹈團-光影我城展覽 | Shadows of the City

Brand Collaborations:
* Bioderma
* Lomography
* Hong Kong Dance Company
* Kowloon Watch
* Diane von Furstenberg